Sunday, November 16, 2008

Be not conformed by the world

Friday, May 16, 2008


my cars like the old benzs, only has one windshield wiper. only its not by design haha. i was leaving the gime one day with allen and greg, and I was getting into my car and then i saw that greg had propped the passenger side wiper up so id have to go to the other side of my car to put it down, so i just reached over and pushed it down, and then it broke and it broke not only the wiper but also the attaching arm so a new wiper couldnt be attached. worse that meant that if i turned on my wipers without propping up the wiper arm then it would scrape right against my windshield. and even worse than that my battery tends to die frequently in cold weather and when i open my front hood it forces the wiper arm to be pressed down so this one time my car died at the intersection of georgia and connecticut and i had to get out and jump my car in the pouring rain and then as i rushed to start driving so id stop getting beeped at i started to drive but couldnt see anything cuz if i used my wipers it would scrape my windshield cuz id forgotten to put my wiper back up. so i put on my hazards and ran out and propped my wiper up, it was pretty bad.
also it was pretty ghetto looking driving around with a broken wiper sticking in the air LOL.
later i just got the broken arm removed completely so i didnt have to worry about that.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

i remember the time i was getting out of my car and i pulled the interior handle to open the door and it broke in half! Oh wait that was this morning LOL no joke

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

lets reminisce

since i will be getting a new car soon i'd like to reminisce about the good times, the bad times, the funny times and the things i liked and disliked about my 1990 toyota camry. I'll try to post a new thing everyday or every couple days leading up to when i get my new car.

Memory #1: Broken key

I stopped by Popeyes before work this one day, and i was already pretty late for work (at indian springs as per usual), so I get my food and get back in my car. as i put my key in the ignition it gets stuck, this had happened to me on occasion before so it was no big deal, usually I just turn it harder and itll get unstuck. and i was in a rush to go so i just quickly turned the key and it completely bent! I pulled the key out and just kind of touched it and it just broke in two! good times haha

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

the other side of the world

haha my cousin is too funny. ignore the mispellings, she uses a dictionary to write emails in english.

"You should to enjoy ist because after the training the "real" work started and then you have to work till the old-age pension, uhhhhhhhhh that mind is creepy! LOL
Me and some frinds looking for a plan/concept to avoid, I will inform you when the plan/concept is perfected!"

Thursday, January 24, 2008

i'm not the next of them, i am the first of me

I'd have to say my two favorite reality shows of all time are The Mole and The Apprentice. I don't know anyone else besides my little brother that actually watched and/or liked the mole so i guess i'm just wasting my breath.. or my time typing rather. But anyway so what was sad was that when the mole had to resort to using celebrities due to low ratings, which was a red flag showing that the show was doomed (although they did make a second celebrity season). I must say that I was convinced that Dennis Rodman was the mole in the second season b/c i really thought they wouldn't make a supermodel the mole 2 years in a row, and i still think that was whack for them to do that. Anyway so now that the apprentice has celebrities it seems this is most likely the beginning of the end. I haven't been able to catch any of the celebrity season until tonight since they show it on thursday nights. But just judging from tonights episode, it's seems much worse than previous seasons. The celebrities are playing for charity which is good but basically they were able to call all their big shot millionaire friends to do favors for them (one guy got a $10,000 donation from Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin) Also many of the people aren't used to or cut out for the business world, especially the girls who've lost like 4 weeks in a row. Though Stephen Baldwin is on the show and he was actually on both celebrity mole seasons, and he's pretty funny. Also Ivanka Trump is so hot. And it's still better than most of the reality shows currently on tv.