Wednesday, November 14, 2007

wheels for legs

for some reason i can only function when im busy. im constantly compartmentalizing things in my mind and mentally setting goals and deadlines in my head. when im busy and only have so much time to do something i can always manage to do everything i want to do. but when im less busy its like i cant function anymore. over this past friday, sunday and monday me and jack spent about 25 hours building our prototype for 472, which turned out really nice (see pics).

i also worked on friday and saturday. and my aunt and uncle came down from michigan saturday whom i havent seen in like 9 years. it sucks that i can count on one hand how many times ive seen each one of my relatives, but i digress. i gotta wake up tomorrow at 7 to study for my electronics packaging exam which i was studying until 12 tonight for but yet here i am writing this. so thursday my group has a presentation for 472 and a paper due friday. then i have a logistics exam on monday. but after that i should be in the clear. at least for a few days. i need to play some soccer