Friday, October 26, 2007

Yes Dwight today is Friday

I was so excited to have my interview tomorrow with the only company I'm interested in working for right now, the Patent Office. It was all set, I was going to go to German class and then the gime (noun, definition: see gym) really quickly, and go home, take a shower, and then head up to alexandria for the interview. so after coming home from union jacks I check my email so I can find out directions and I see my confirmation info:
Thank you for registering for the following Job Fair:

Mechanical Engineering Interview Session

Elizabeth Townhouse
550 Elizabeth Lane
Alexandria, VA
10/25/2007 <---------that was today
4:30 p.m. - 5:00 pm

So yea, I had signed up for THURSDAY, NOT Friday!

new blog so an oh hey is in order.